week5 midweek


Inter-Rater Reliability

Reliability is very important to consider in research studies. There are many different types of reliability and one type is called inter-rater reliability. Inter-rater reliability studies are often conducted when you have more than one person who will be evaluating and scoring data. If inter-rater reliability is high, then different people are recording approximately the same values for the behavior they are evaluating.

Many of you are familiar with Albert Bandura's Bobo doll experiment in 1961. Bandura was a proponent of the social learning theory. In his experiment, he attempted to determine if children would model aggressive behavior.

Let's say you are planning to conduct a modern-day social learning study and plan to record and rate the aggressive interactions after children have watched acts of violence on television. The potential acts of aggression will be rated from video tapes of the children as they play with a life-sized, blow-up toy. Before you conduct your study, you must train your four research assistants to make sure that they are identifying the same behaviors and end up with the same scores.

Create a report in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document with a detailed description explaining how to train the assistants so that they have high inter-rater reliability. Search the South University Online Library to find some inter-rater reliability studies and see if you can get any ideas. Make sure you operationalize aggression before you start to explain your training plan. Be specific about what your research assistants should do to increase the similarity of their rating scores. Submit the reliability training plan for your research assistants



 Socialization occurs throughout the life cycle. For this question I want you to use your creativity (there are no right or wrong answers, just effort!). I want you to reflect on the following questions and create a mini-art project of your choice. This could be a poem, digital collage, a short film, a drawing/painting, a song, etc. 


     Who were the primary agents in this socialization process? Which one influenced you the most? Which one influenced you the least? How have your socialization agents changed over time? Have you been an agent of socialization for someone? What is one (or more) of the most important lessons you have learned from an agent of socialization?

     Create your art project reflection and answer the questions above in a short description of your art project. Remember, it could be anything you want! I have had students perform a rap, create beautiful drawings/paintings, create digital collages; all I want is for you to let your creativity shine through and tap into your artistic side. 




 Ori Schwartz’s (2010) finds that particular types of selfies, like those with a “sexualized or ad-like” pose serve as a form of positive reinforcement to the poster. Think about your own experience with selfies. What experience have you had with reactions to your selfies? Go back and look through your feed on at least one social media platform and record the reactions to one of your selfie postings. How do you think your social self was shaped by the one particular selfie or on your history of selfies in general? (If you don't have a social media account, please use the camera roll on your phone for selfies you have taken in the past; if you don't take selfies, ask someone you know if you could analyze their social media accounts for selfies)

 Charles Horton Cooley’s concept of the “looking glass self” involves three steps that are beneficial to understand the self and society today: (1) how we imagine we appear to others; (2) how we imagine others thoughts or judgments on how we appear; and (3) whether or not we change our appearance or behavior based on how we think others view us. Apply these three steps to your own experience. Using your body as evidence, highlight some aspect of appearance or behavior and how you have (or have not) changed it based on the imagined interactions/thoughts of others. How might Erving Goffman assess your experience? What observations would Goffman likely make about the techniques of impression management you utilized and your presentation of self?

Writing for English, The Nose by Nikolai Gogol

Please follow the image instructions

MLA Format

My name: Amir Eftekhari

Teacher: Mr. Poyner

Period 5

And todays date

This Needs to be 4 paragraph writing in MLA format using my info from above, I need it by 8:00PM tonight

The prompt is How does Kovalyov's self image and subsequent struggle to recover his perceived identity reflect the narcissism of human nature within the society in which he lives?


Watch this video and write on it


Are Online Classes Worth It?

12 Pros & Cons Of Online Learning,"Third of all students are now taking online classes. While the reasons may vary, there are many key benefits to learning online. These include increased flexibility and lower costs.

Online courses may not be for everyone. Some people prefer to interact with faculty face to face or to have personal touchpoints that help them stay on track.

It is important to weigh the pros and cons of taking an online course against your career goals and learning style when making the decision. Here are some benefits and disadvantages of learning online.

Pros Of Online Learning

1. You Can Learn on Your Time

For undergraduates who are trying to learn a new skill, or for working professionals already managing a full-time job, online courses offer unmatched flexibility. Online courses can be completed at your convenience, even if you work during lunch breaks or after work.

You can also plan your learning around the times you are most likely to retain new information. You can log in at any time that suits you, regardless of whether you are an early riser or night owl.

2. You can learn at your own pace

Some students are uncomfortable asking professors to explain a topic they don't understand. Online learning allows you to pause videos and return to previous modules. Instead of just skimming, you can dive deeper into a topic.

3. There are ways to save money

There are many online courses that are free, but they are often less expensive than those on campus. You can learn virtually without paying for room and board, or any travel costs. You can earn both a salary and an education because you have more flexibility.

4. You can break down geographic barriers

You don't have to be restricted by your location when choosing an online program. Register for an online program from abroad without having to travel.

Your peers also benefit from the lack of geographic constraints. Online courses allow you to interact with other learners around the globe. You can get a global perspective by engaging with other learners from around the world.

5. Tech Skills You Can Learn

An online course can show that you are comfortable using technology. This could be a positive impact on your resume as more companies embrace remote work. Employers look for candidates who are proficient in digital tools and can communicate effectively. These are also traits that you will learn in an online course.

6. You Can Achieve Similar Career Outcomes

There are several misconceptions about online learning--particularly that you won't achieve the same outcomes or respect from employers that you would by attending an on-campus program. This is not always true.

A recent survey by City Square Associates found that 50% of learners felt they were more noticed by recruiters after taking a Harvard Business School Online course. One in four also reported receiving a promotion or a title change. A reputable institution's online certificate can have the same or better impact on your resume as a traditional degree.

Cons Of Online Learning

1. It is possible to have limited if any, interaction with faculty

You may have very limited or no interaction with professors depending on which online program you select. While your peers might be able to fill in the gap and answer your questions for you, you should also consider how much faculty engagement is necessary to feel like you are making progress.

2. You Can't Be Disorganized

Online courses require self-discipline and time management. You are not required to attend class on certain days of the week. Therefore, you must make time for study and assignments. Online learning is possible if you are organized and can stick to a schedule.

3. There might be fewer opportunities for networking.

There may be fewer opportunities to connect with peers depending on which course you choose. You may find the social aspect of online learning essential. Choose an online platform that focuses on peer interaction, active participation, and perhaps events.

Harvard Business School Online surveyed more than 60% of past participants and found that they felt part of, a community with similar aspirations.

4. Research is essential

More than 11,400 massive online courses are available alone. The possibilities can be overwhelming.

To help narrow down your list, take a moment to write down what qualities you are looking for in online education. Do you consider a credential important? Are you looking for a more interactive and immersive experience than watching videos? It will be easier for you to identify and remove programs that don't fit your needs.

5. It's not always possible to find industry-specific online training

There are limited opportunities in specialized fields despite the availability of many online courses. If you are serious about advancing your career, you can learn business skills regardless of your profession or online courses to fill in gaps in your skill set.

6. It might be necessary to fight against misconceptions

Online learning is on the rise, but there is still some doubt. However, this is changing. 83% of executives surveyed said that an online degree was just as trustworthy as one obtained through a traditional campus-based program. Employers said that an online degree program from a respected institution with highly-qualified learners was more trustworthy.

Viewing The Pros & Cons Of Online Learning

Online classes can only be chosen by you based on your personal and professional goals, and learning style. Online courses are a great option for working professionals who want to advance their careers. They offer flexibility and convenience that allows them to manage their job responsibilities and learn new skills.

Read also similar post at Hometownstation : http://www.hometownstation.com/news-articles/best-online-class-help-is-real-a-variety-of-trusted-services-worth-attention-417258


Related Resources:

Tips to Be Successful in Your Online Classes In 2022

5 Reasons Why Online Learning is the Future of Education in 2022

The Impact of Online Classes on Students

Seven Tips for Online Learning During COVID-19

Home work 112

Watch the U tube video below and answer the questions that follows.

-https://youtu.be/TS6IFDVR-3g (Why school start later for teens).

Identify the thesis statement: The thesis is the main point of the argument. In the example, what is the one sentence that the author gives as their thesis statement?

Identify the narration and/or partition: This may be history, background, or other information needed to put the argument in perspective. It should also preview the issue about to be argued. When and where does the author give the narration and/or partition? Did you feel it helped your understanding of the argument?

Identify the claims: There are multiple claims in the example argument. What are they? Where are they? What types of claims are they? How are they used?

Identify the evidence: What evidence is used? What claims is the evidence used to back? What type of evidence is used and does it fit the claims it is trying to prove? Why/why not?

Identify the counter-arguments: Are there any counterclaims that go against the author’s thesis? What are they? How do they combat the refuting evidence? Where does this appear in their argument?

Identify the conclusion: The conclusion is pretty easy to find. However, what exactly is in the author’s conclusion? What elements of their main argument do their reinforce? How does the argument end? What is the final line? Does it leave a lasting impression? Why or why not?

-200 words

-Due 8/23/2022 @ 2pm

Discussion reply

Urodynamic testing .  

This test is used to determine or look into the inability or ability to control your bladder. Right now as a pregnant women I wonder if this is a good test to consider. Both sexes are



Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. “The Danger of a Single Story.” TED, July 2009,


open both links above .one is a video and the other is a text. i need it done MLA format 250 words and answer the questions below.

 Identify the parts of the narrative. Where does the story begin? Where does the story come to a climax? Where does the story end?

 Discuss the ways the writer and speaker use description. What moments are particularly vivid and effective? Why? How did those moments make you feel? This is a good place to use a quote from the sources.

 Discuss how the writer and speaker create specific scenes set in specific times and specific locations. What impact does this have on the video? How do the listener and reader response to it?

 Discuss the impact of the use of dialogue. How does the dialogue lend immediacy to the video This is a good place to use a quote from the sources.

 Discuss the shape of the video. how do they build to a climax that is eventually resolved? 

 Discuss the overall lesson that the speaker and writer are conveying in the video. What did he or she learn through the experiences? This would be a good place to use a quote from the sources.

 Discuss what you learned about writing from the video that will assist you. The answer will include techniques you have learned in this class (ie. description, narration, etc.)

Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. “The Danger of a Single Story.” TED, July 2009,


Homework 432

1) Reflection of classical Argument (150 words) due tomorrow August 30, 2022 @ 11:30am $3

2) Classical Argument outline (200words) Due tomorrow August 30, 2022 @11:30 $3




-3 Pages excluding work cited

          DUE 01/09/2022 @ 11:30 am


In the audio lesson, I reported a story about a Texas farmer and his son. What was the lesson of this story that should be applied to Oedipus in his family?","Question: In the audio lesson, I reported a story about a Texas farmer and his son. What was the lesson of this story that should be applied to Oedipus in his family?