
Read ""Narrative Techniques"" in this week's readings to learn techniques and strategies writers use to create a vibrant scene. Then read and annotate the student sample narrative below for all of the narrative techniques. 

Annotating a text is a vital literate practice for critical reading as it helps you achieve a deeper, more multifaceted, and purposeful understanding of a text. For example, this assignment asks you to annotate a text for the purpose of learning from the choices and techniques a writer made creating the text. Make all of the following annotations, including comments or thoughts you have about how the techniques are or are not effective and why and why you think the writer choose to use the techniques in these ways:

 Find and label where you believe the scene starts and ends. Remember that a scene takes place in real time.

 Label sensory details according to the sense in question: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch. Label at least five sensory details (the same sense may be labeled multiple times if used in different areas).

 Label dialogue, either individual lines or blocks of conversation. Label dialogue that takes place in at least three different conversations. 

 Label anything you think is the thoughts of the point of view character at the time. Think of dialogue within the mind of the character. Label at least three different areas where you see the thoughts of the point of view character.

 Label where you get a clear sense of how the character is feeling by naming the emotion. Label at least five places where you can label a clear and strong emotion that is conveyed.

Feel free to add any other annotations or comments you wish. 

Choose a submission type

Instructional and Assistive Technology in Special Education Video reviews

For this assignment, you are to watch several of the reading videos in this module.

 Immersive Reader: You must watch this video and provide 6 key points in complete sentences. Three of the key points must describe Immersive Reader and the other three must present information about what assistive technology features are in the program. They need to be in complete sentences in a bulleted fashion.              Edit criterion description three of the six key points should relate to what Immersive Reader is and for whom it could be useful. Three of the six key points need to identify at least three AT features of Immersive Reader and discuss how it could be useful.

 Milly and Molly(5): You must watch this video and review the 2-page Nearpod description which will help you understand the program better. Write two key points about this app in complete sentences. 

 Two Other Reading Technology Videos: Select two of the other reading videos (not the cool technology video). Indicate the names of the two videos followed by 2 key points each in complete sentences in a bulleted fashion. 


 A Short Overview of Microsoft's Immersive Reader (Links to an external site.)

 in Action: Meet Joe! (Links to an external site.)

 What is Bookshare? (Links to an external site.)

 As They See It: Technology for Students with Learning Disabilities (Links to an external site.)

 Milly Molly & the Bike Ride - GESS Promotional video. (Links to an external site.)

 Kids Have Fun Reading on iPad - Book Apps Interactive Stories (Links to an external site.)

 Great Reading Apps for Kids (Links to an external site.)


How is Regina King admirable?


Why does Asma argue that people should ""not forget to take monsters seriously"" (64)?


Article review Golf and Social Class

this needs to be 3 different articles on Golf and social class (including one about how social class can affect status in a country club) the final review of

each article/study must be a one-page written narrative using APA formatting. must include the following in the article review 

How does the article relate to your research question?

 What bias or limitations are present in the article? What impact will they have on your


 What methods were used in this study? If human subjects were used, were ethical

considerations taken into account?

 How will this study inform your research proposal?

Discussion 1

Discussion Board #26363 unread replies.6363 replies.Discussion Board #2: Assets, Liabilities, Revenues and ExpensesDescribe typical assets and liabilities and explain the difference between the two.Explain the difference between operating and nonoperating revenue.Describe the major expenses for hospitals and physicians.

Discussion 3

Health Information Technology (HIT) has become a top priority in the US. The use of technology to electronically use and exchange health information securely between healthcare stakeholders will improve the overall quality, safety, and efficiency of health care delivery. Directions:  After reading Chapters 1-3, answer the following questions in their entirety: 1) What is the difference between strategic planning and tactical planning?2) Why is it important to HIS and technology planning for a healthcare organization to have developed its strategic business plan? If the organization or business does not have a strategic business plan, what should HIS planners do?3) What do the four quadrants of the conceptual HIS planning framework presented in chapter 3 represent? Why are the quadrants organized as they are, and what does it mean to have a balanced HIS architecture?4) Identify the key HIS and technology elements that need to be contemplated as part of HIS and technology planning. HELPFUL TIPIn order to receive full credit for your Discussion Board assignment you must give complete and detailed answers for all the questions and cite a minimum of 2 references (Only 1 can be the textbook). In addition, you need to respond to a minimum of 2 classmates. In order to get full credit for your responses to your classmates, your responses should be respectful and substantial, not a critique. Your responses must pose questions to help further the discussion and utilize supporting details and facts (a reference and in-text citation will assist here) and is REQUIRED for Full Credit


: Being an International Student.,"I want you to read the article in the link down, and follow the format in the attached word file. Link:


350 words. How does Barbara Cameron’s “Gee You Don’t Seem Like an Indian from the Reservation” address the pillars of settler colonialism identified by Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz? You don’t need to address all the pillars, but analyze the ones that apply

Discussion 3

Online Discussion Activity:You are required to make a post to the course online discussion forum. The posts will be graded on a 25 point scale; you can view the full rubric for this discussion assignment via the steps in the following webpage: How do I view the rubric for my graded discussion? (Links to an external site.)Each post should do the following: Find & Post (or post a link to) something of business communication (photo, short video, brief piece of writing, song, etc. -- that no one else in class has posted to the blog yet) and that meets the topics discussed in the last three weeks. No two posts can be identical.Analyze the object according to requirements for the week.Make a connection to the readings, videos or recordings for the week.Posts will be made in the Canvas discussion forum.Each post should be at least 3 paragraphs in length (minimum 200 words).You must respond to at least 1 other student post (minimum 100 words).