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Nutritional Do's and Don'ts of Pregnancy Assignment

What do I want you to do? 

For this assignment, you will create / design a professional handout with a chart

of nutritional do’s and don’ts for pregnancy. In other words, “eat this, not that”. 

You should have 10 Do statements and 10 Don’t statements and they should all be related to food. Statements related to nutritional supplements will not be accepted. An acceptable statement would look like this: Consume more calcium during pregnancy by eating or drinking

Where Art Thou Ethos?

Blogger's Prompt:

Module 3 discussed the purposes for persuasive speaking and the methods of persuasive. Chapter 17 discussed several key factors that influence the effectiveness of a persuasive speech is the speaker's use of ethos, pathos and logos. One of the main factors of a successful speech is the speaker's credibility (ethos).

For Blog Post 3, you will choose to define the terms logos, pathos, and ethos in your own terms AND you will choose a speaker (public figure, celebrity, politician, entertainer, etc.) that you believe possess excellent ethos when delivering a speech or interview.

Please provide an example of how your selected figure has demonstrated great speaker credibility. When creating your blog post, bold the selected chapter terms, state the chapter, and place the page number/section number in parentheses next to the term.  

Blogger's Instructions:

 Post a picture of your chosen speaker and answer the assignment prompt (why you think the speaker has credibility and provide an example) in a paragraph (having 5-7 sentences) format. Be sure to use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

 Give elaborate responses. When creating your blog post assignment be sure to build upon the information given in the textbook by providing additional details, statistics, ideas, personal perspectives, or links to interesting, relevant articles.  

 Use ideas and evidence from the course book and power-points to help support your opinions.

Ice Breaker Rough Draft Outline

The first speech you will conduct in this course is called an Ice Breaker Speech. Chapter 4 in The Art of Public Speaking textbook states that an ice breaker speaker is designed to get students to speaking in front of the class as soon as possible. 

An ice breaker speech is designed to get you all accumulated to public speaking. This speech will also serve as an introductory speech as well. To begin searching for the perfect quote, view www. keepinspiring.me . If you cannot find the right quote on that particular website, feel free to search for other quotes from reputable websites. You select a quote from a religious text, movie, song lyric, speech, magazine, or book. Your quote must not be vulgar, contain sexual overtones and it must be free from profanity. To learn more information and requirements concerning the Ice Breaker speech, view the ""How to Guide: Ice Breaker Speech"" tab in Module 2. 

For your Ice Breaker Speech Draft Outline, please list the following information in a word document:

 Your selected quote and the author of the quote. Please note that once you select a quote, you must stick with the selected quote.

 Where did your quote come from (a book, movie, song, public figure, religious text, etc.)?

 Write a 1 to 2 sentence statement about how this quote relates to your life or how this quote motivates you. This will serve as your thesis statement for your speech (the core of what your speech is about). 

 You MUST give specific personal examples on how the quote relates to your own life. After all, this is an ice-breaker speech, so the main idea is to get to know you in more detail.

 Be sure to type your name, date and SPH 107- 20733 and Ice Breaker Speech Outline in the upper left-hand corner. Submit your outlines in this assignment drop-box.

Here is an example of how to break down your quote and put it in an outline:

Thesis Statement: The lyrics in the song ""Eye of the Tiger"" by Survivor resonates with me because, I had to face hardships that gave me strength much like a tiger, I enjoyed challenges when I am faced with them, and the song inspires me to never give up. 

It's the eye of the tiger

It's the thrill of the fight

Rising up to the challenge of our rival

And the last known survivor

Stalks his prey in the night

And he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger

Then you are to break it down and explain why these lyrics represent you. For example:

Main Point I: You can talk about how a tiger is strong and fearless. Maybe you had to overcome something in your life, but you fought hard and had the strength of a tiger. 

Main Point II: It's the thrill of the fight that could represent how you even thrive in that environment, so you enjoy the challenges that you face each day. 

Main Point III: Last but not least, maybe the song inspires you to keep pushing each and every day and never stop or give up much like Rocky. 

I hope this helps you create your outline.

Read Instructions

Due March 22, 2024

by 10:00 AM pacific time

See attachment

correct errors 

make it professional 

based off information provided add and or remove sentences

with proper formatting/ grammar

Semantic Analysis on Beowulf


For this assignment, you will write a semantic analysis on a close reading of linguistics in Beowulf. Focus on the authorial tone or speaker's views when analyzing whether truth is shown through various constructs of language in the text. For instance, the scholar Eric Stanley, contends that ""the poet represents him as"" fated ""by the working of the curse against him laid on the dragon's hoard."" Focus on the author's syntactical and lexicographical components. Compare and contrast a reading of Beowulf's words representing arete with a reading of his words representing the curse or wyrd. How is the oral epic tradition transcendent? If truth is not attainable, what structural or syntactical forms were shown to prove this? For this assignment, you will engage in either Structuralist or Deconstructionist theories to examine whether universal truth is shown as being either attainable or ultimately unattainable in the epic through representations of natural law through the battle between good versus evil. Write a five-paragraph that investigates the structural and syntactical forms and patterns of archaic language. The will focus on techniques such as kennings, imagery, allegory, personification, metaphors, and symbols that either represent or repress universal truth. Choose at least two or three of these techniques to analyze. Focus on how the cognates of words are used to create meaning. When focusing on truth, analyze the Pre-Christian views in the text through the nature of absolutist views of natural law. When investigating the nature of anti-truth in the text, focus on the nature of wyrd and paganism, particularly in the ending where Beowulf's death potentially represents nihilism or fatalism based on the interpretation of the representations of good and evil vanishing from the earth through Beowulf's defeat of the dragon, leaving his people bereft and with a hoard of worthless treasure. Were Beowulf's words lacking truth and meaning, leading to the curse of the treasure hoard and his death? Is the religious context of his language arbitrary when viewing the final outcome? Or, you can argue that the ways of the past must be vanquished to arrive at new truth found in the solidarity of the people and utilitarianism, bringing forth new political philosophy, as shown through the representation of the worthless ancient treasure. Is the treasure symbolic of Beowulf's words as becoming curses due to his hubris based on the nature of wyrd in the plot? Focus on how his words lead to a new era of truth as religion would later become a central factor defining the Westernization of society in the future. Create a lens for attaining truth through a thoughtful, well-organized. Explain how Beowulf's words can be used to explain whether the cultural construct of truth is shown in our world today in the conclusion.

The close reading will include a thorough analysis of something specific that focuses on one aspect of the text through an analysis on an introspective look at Beowulf’s use of riddles, humor, and stoicism. You are required to support your own original claims with citations from the text to prove point. Explicate the diction in the text that focuses on the nature of truth. You may also concede by stating that the semantics in the text neither supports, or negates the existence of universal truths. It is only required that you cite from the literary work for this assignment. The is required to be five complete paragraphs. These paragraphs include an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. There should be six sentences per paragraph

Watch the following TED-Ed video and answer the questions one by one below.


1- What does the term 'germs' usually refer to? 

2- What do all germs have in common? 

3- Define the term 'modes of transmission' and give an example. 

4- What is a major disadvantage to a virus, if it replicates too much, too quickly? 

5- If there's too little of a virus, what is a disadvantage (to the virus) if you don't experience any symptoms? 

6- List the characteristics of a successful virus. 

7- What does the trade-off hypothesis predict for rhinovirus? 

8- Why does the malaria virus do not require a mobile host? 

9- What can we do to minimize the harmfulness of infectious diseases? ----------------



 Read the case study (( Managing Infectious Diseases.pdf)) and answer the questions provided in the file uploaded called ECEonlineHW

Open classes

Keep in mind this particular note: (In the discussion of adjectives, we listed a few words that serve as both adjectives and adverbs: ""early"",""late"", ""hard"", ""fast"", ""long"", ""high"", ""low"", ""deep"", and ""near"". These are simply adverbs made from adjectives without the addition of -ly; they are called or referred to as ""flat adverbs"". Except for a few others such as ""soon"" and ""often"", they are the only adverbs that take -er and -est; most of the -ly adverbs take ""more"" and, occasionally, ""most"" in forming the comparative and superlative degrees). 

The definition of a flat adverb- A class of adverb that is the same in form as its corresponding adjective: ""fast"", ""high"", ""early"", ""late"", ""hard"", ""long"", etc. 

Now answer questions 1-8. 

Q.1) What is the open class of ""early""? 

A. adjective 

B. verb 

C. noun 

D. adverb

Q.2) What is the open class of ""late""? 

A. verb 

B. adverb 

C. adjective 

D. noun 

Q.3) What is the open class of ""hard""? 

A. noun 

B. adjective 

C. verb

D. adverb 

Q.4) What is the open class of ""fast""? 

A. adjective 

B. verb

C. adverb 

D. noun 

Q.5) What is the open class of ""long""?

A. adjective

B. adverb

C. noun 

D. verb 

Q.6) What is the open class of the cited word in the following sentence?

We'll have to get up ""early"" to catch the flight. 

A. noun

B. verb 

C. adjective 

D. adverb

Q.7) What is the open class of the cited word in the following sentence? 

I like to jog in the ""early"" morning. 

A. verb

B. noun

C. adverb

D. adjective

Q.8) What is the open class of the cited word in the following sentence?

I got up ""early"" to study for my Spanish test. 

A. adverb

B. adjective

C. verb

D. noun 

Q.9) What is the open class of the cited word in the following sentence? 

The woman (whom) I work with is always ""early"". 

A. adverb

B. noun

C. adjective 

D. verb

English Discussion Board 8

Discussion Board 8: Chapters 19-39

Create a post of a minimum of 250 words that answers the following questions. Number your responses but do not copy the questions. NOTE: When you have completed your post, respond to at least one classmate's post. 

1. In Chapter 20, who are the Unwomen, including Offred’s mother, and why do the Aunts mute the sound of the films about them? Why don’t the Aunts want the Handmaids to hear what Unwomen said? What do you think about Offred’s mother?

2. What do you think about Offred’s being excited about “Birth Day” and the level of her physical and emotional participation in Janine’s birth described in Chapter 21? What do you think about the fact that she still desires to become pregnant? Is she a “true believer”?

3. In Chapters 24-26, the dynamic between Offred and the Commander is changing. Atwood makes the Commander a complicated character and, likewise, Offred is having some thoughts and making some decisions we might find eerie. Choose one passage from these chapters that illustrates this and briefly analyze it. 

4. Luke’s reaction to Gilead’s banning employment and the control of money for women is to tell his wife that he will take care of her. In the Hulu series based on the book, Offred and Moira both react very differently to what Luke says. What do you think about what’s going on in this chapter? Does it remind you of any historical events? What do you think about Luke’s reaction? 

5. In Chapters 32 and 34, the Commander provides his justification for Gilead to Offred. What do you think about what he says? 

6. In Chapter 35, Offred is remembering trying to escape Gilead with Nick and their daughter. She says the following: God is love, they said once, but we reversed that, and love, like Heaven, was always just around the corner. The more difficult it was to love the particular man beside us, the more we believed in Love, abstract and total. We were waiting, always, for the incarnation. That word, made flesh.” What do you think about what she says? Is our contemporary concept of love similar to a religion? Do our beliefs about it cause us pain and are they rational?

7. Write down one question you have about Chapters 19-39. 



first document is post, and choose two questions to answer is fine

second document is reading

You must provide justification for your opinion/thoughts, show a thorough understanding of the readings, and apply your knowledge; the use of outside examples is encouraged. You must also cite an excerpt from the relevant study for each of your answers

Neva english

After researching the life of Rosa Parks, you will select a template from canva.com to create either an infographic(two pages) or brochure(two pages) on the life of Rosa Parks. Parks was more than the moment on the bus so please make sure to thoroughly research her life and activism. Either option should be packed with details and include at least one picture of Parks. Make sure that your picture is actually of Rosa Parks and not Claudette Colvin