I need Help

should be a minimum of 500 words in length (12 pt. font, Times New Roman) and should focus on connecting the concepts learned in the 2 modules and readings to your experiences in everyday life (e.g., conversations with family and friends or things you see/read/hear in the news, popular culture, or other media). You should display evidence of critical thinking (e.g., What did the experience make you think about with regards to topics covered?) and should bring in specific concepts or theories presented in the course content. You should not quote the original materials, or summarize the materials, rather you should write in a reflective manner and include in text citations to identify which materials you are referring to as well.

Phrase meaning

Q.2 Identify the figurative device used by the writer in each phrase and explain its effect in the context of thepassage.a) the breakfast stove gave a hissing sighb) And the rain tapped on the empty house, echoing


APA format, in-text citations, references include

Part 1: half page

A brief description of the types of internal and external assessments used by the agency ElderFirst Care for marketing new health programs. Then, explain consequences that a health care agency might encounter without internal and external assessment, and why ( See attachment). Page 81-125 if needed

Part 2: 2 pages

 Describe two examples of formative evaluation for health programs that you might use in your marketing plan.

 Describe how you will include formative evaluation methods in designing your health care services marketing plan and explain why. See attachment

English homework

For your Self-Assessment , organize your thoughts into a unified and coherent composition that describes your work on the project, reflects upon your learning, and assesses your contributions to the group and your classmates’ contributions to the group. Consider the following questions:

§ What were your expectations for this project when it was first mentioned in class? after you were given the instructions? as your group began working together? How were those expectations met or disappointed or exceeded?

§ What did you learn about your group’s poet? Quote at least one passage from one of the sources that you found to be especially interesting or informative. What did you learn about the overall topic of the lives and works of living American poets through this project? Feel free to refer to the other groups’ projects. How has this project changed the way you think about poetry?

§ What work did you do in and outside of class for this project? How well did your group fulfill the requirements of the project? What parts of the presentation could have been better?

§ How well did your group work together? Did the other members of your group ""pull their weight"" evenly on the tasks? Did you? Be honest.

§ What was (or were) your primary role(s) in your group (leader, supporter, idea generator, taskmaster, peacekeeper, pragmatist, communicator, consensus builder, energizer, something else)? How has this project helped you understand your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to teamwork?

§ Has this project pushed you outside of your comfort zone? How so? What was it like presenting in front of a larger audience? What skills, knowledge, or habits of mind did this project reveal to you that you need to acquire or practice?

§ Consider the course competencies for ENC2300 (below), especially the Competencies highlighted below. How well did this project help you engage with those competencies? 

§ What is your biggest “takeaway” from this project? Why?


APA format, in-text citation, references included

Part 1: ( half page)

A brief explanation of what types of barriers that health care administrators might face during the implementation process of a marketing plan. Then, propose two strategies that health care administrators might use to best address the barriers identified, and explain why.

Part 2: 2 pages( See attachment for part 2)

 Provide a brief explanation of how you might implement your marketing plan. Be sure to include the timeline, time frame, and any tools needed to implement your marketing plan.

 Explain two potential barriers that might affect the implementation process and one way in which you might address one barrier. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your points

English homework

Images can stir emotions and add reactions to read pieces. “Recognizing the appeal of an argument’s graphics can empower you to feel more confident in your reaction” to the argument itself (The Purposeful Argument). 

After reviewing assigned reading selections, choose one reading and assess the argument presented in a 1200-words. Select two to three web-based images that support the writer’s claim. Use the following questions from the text to build and elaborate your response on effective use of imagery in arguments:  

 How are the images created to stir your emotions? 

 What techniques are used to sway you? 

You must insert live links or images within your response.


https://www.ted.com/talks/tim_urban_inside_the_mind_of_a_master_procrastinator?referrer=playlist-the_funniest_ted_talks#t-825799 HERES THE VIDEO

After you have watched the TED Talk by Tim UrbanLinks to an external site., write at least one complete sentence in response to each of the following questions:

 What is the speaker's argument?

 What does the speaker do to build his credibility? That is, why should the audience trust him and listen to what he has to say on this topic?

 What does the speaker do to elicit an emotional response from the audience, and which emotions are elicited?

 What reasons (facts, statistics, personal stories, or other evidence) does the speaker provide to help make his case?

 Is the speaker's argument--and the way it is presented--effective overall?


Choose a single public policy to research completely. Write a short explanation to your instructor why you chose the specific public policy, including an argument of how the policy could be improved.

Review the attached document “Public Policy Paper” to be aware of the expectations and requirements of the final paper. Use this information to guide your policy choice.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center

Peer Pressure

Describe peer pressure, and explain why it takes place in 5 paragraphs, be sure to include introduction and conclusion

Exercise in Contracting

Good day writer, 

Please see the attached screenshots for the assignment instructions. If you have any questions, please let me know.