
As many businesses shift to remote work, there is an increased need to utilize collaboration tools. At the end of this course, you will deliver a presentation trying to persuade your organization to adopt a collaboration tool of your choosing. To prepare for that presentation, think about a tool you regularly use to communicate with others, work collaboratively on a document, or manage a project. If you are not sure, do some research on collaborative tools that look fun and interesting to you.Step 1: Using the reference table below, state which category you are interested in and explain which tool from that category you feel is the best to use in the workplace.Step 2: Describe how the collaborative tool you selected can be used to support remote collaborative work. Step 3: Identify and thoroughly explain two pros and two cons of using this collaborative tool when working remotely. Keep in mind the advantages and disadvantages of using the tool in a workplace setting.Pick 1 corresponding tool.Here are examples of collaboration tools in this category (you can use a tool not listed here).CommunicationZoom, Webex, Teams, Google MeetDocument creation and editingMicrosoft Word, Google Docs, One DriveProject ManagementSmartsheets, Asana, TrelloTypically a substantial post consists of 5-7 sentences


Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

 Textbook: Chapter 7, 8


 Instructor supplied resources

 Student chosen resources (optional)

Initial Post Instructions

Think of a person you know (either yourself, someone you know, or even a famous person with, perhaps a ""rags to riches"" story) who has experienced significant upward or downward mobility over the past three or four generations.

For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2:

 Option 1: Briefly describe the person (and be sure to respect confidentiality of others and, as always, remember to be respectful of potentially sensitive information, and remember there is no guarantee of privacy). Describe the person's significant upward or downward mobility over the past three or four generations. How do you think the person's values and behavior might differ had the person experienced the opposite pattern of mobility?

 Option 2: Briefly describe the person (and be sure to respect confidentiality of others and, as always, remember to be respectful of potentially sensitive information, and remember there is no guarantee of privacy). Describe the person's significant upward or downward mobility over the past three or four generations. How might experiences have been different had the person's family been of a different ethnic or racial origin?

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least one peer. If possible, respond to one peer who chose an option different than the one you chose. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Make sure that you add additional information and not repeat the same information already posted on the discussion board as you further the dialogue.

Writing Requirements

 Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)

 APA format for in-text citations and list of references

 Minimum of 1 source cited

COM: Name Speech

Think about your name and the best way to get the class to remember your name (Keila).


     Be as creative as possible, using any method (narrative, etymology of your name, visual aids, etc.).

     Refer to Name Brainstorming Questions [PDF]Name Brainstorming Questions [PDF] - Alternative Formats if needed. 

     Your speech should NOT address every one of the Name Brainstorming Questions from above. Be selective--choose what is most interesting and what works together for a unified message.



2.Create a 1-2 minute speech. Keep the following in mind:

 You should deliver your speech extemporaneously from brief notes that occupy no more than one side of a single 4 x 6 note card.

 Do not read your speech, but use as much eye contact as possible.

 Practice, and time yourself.

 Refer to Assignment 1: Critique Sheet [PDF]Assignment 1: Critique Sheet [PDF] - Alternative 

 Formats for how your speech will be critiqued.

 Here is a sample name speech: https://youtu.be/yPaJNFZrB6Q

My name is Keila McNeil. I think we can just use Keila for the speech

COM: Informative Speech Topic

First, Thesis Statement

You will submit your topic for the informative speech in the form of a thesis statement,

 Your proposed thesis will give a preview of your 3 main points.


     Example: I will inform you about the life and legacy of Bayard Rustin.

     Preview: First we will cover his early years and activism. Second, we will cover his leadership during the 1963 March on Washington. Finally, we will discuss how he has erased from history until recently due to his identity.



I'm assuming we can choose any informative speech we may like.

Second, Bibliography

You will provide the bibliography of sources for your upcoming speech.

 List at least 4 sources you researched for your Informative Speech.

For one source, write one paragraph that summarizes the main idea of the source.


     Include a key takeaway.

     Add an example or two from the material that evidences your takeaway or argument.



Third, Outline

You will submit an outline before delivering your Informative Speech,

 Your outline must be typed in full-sentences.


     If the outline is not in full-sentence format, you will be deducted 15 points.



 Your speech outline must include the following:


     Appropriate introduction, including all 6 components of an effective introduction.

     Evidence of audience analysis throughout the speech (what will make the topic interesting for audience).

     At least 3 main ideas with 2 sub-points for each.

     Use of at least 2 different types of supporting material (book/newspaper/journal article, television/radio, interviews, Internet .com, .org, .net, etc.).

     Citation of at least 4 sources. Four sources is the minimum requirement. Your sources must be cited aloud during your speech.

     Appropriate conclusion.



Fourth, Introduction to Speech

You will create a speech as an introduction to your larger Informative Speech.

 Based on your Informative Speech Topic and 3 main points, develop an appropriate introduction that includes the following:


     Attention getting device

     Introduce topic clearly

     Significance statement/Motivate audience to listen

     Established credibility

     Preview remainder of speech



 Create a 1- 1.5 minute speech. Keep the following in mind:


     You should deliver your speech extemporaneously from brief notes that occupy no more than one side of a single 4 x 6 note card.

     Do not read your speech, but use as much eye contact as possible.

     Practice, and time yourself.

     Refer to Assignment 2: Introduction to Informative Speech [PDF] Assignment 2: Introduction to Informative Speech [PDF] - Alternative Formats for how your speech will be critiqued.



Please seperate each section so I can know what is what


Objective: Students will appropriate articulate understanding of the role of occupational therapy in the treatment of

and provision of services for individuals with burns in a pediatric setting. In addition, students will articulate

understanding of the causes of burns, the cultural implication of burns, and the importance of appropriate care

provision, (including appropriate durable medical equipment, adaptive equipment, and assistance) for safety.

Instructions: Each student group (or each student) will be assigned a topic (see below) to research during class time (or

outside of class time); **(if individual – each student is responsible for 1-6). The student body will collectively design

one, 7-minutes PPT presentation utilizing the Pecha Kucha (Japanese for chit chat) format (5-minute link provided


 20 slides

 20 seconds per slide which advance automatically

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSUCV-


 Purpose of utilizing Pecha Kucha format: it structures the presentation to enhance the students clinical

reasoning to determine/decide critical discussion point and encourages collective disciplined work within

time limits.

 The assigned topics will be as follows:

1. Scientific Information for the Condition:

o Definition of burns

o Causes of burns

o Types of burns (what is the most common?)

o Degree of burns and factors influencing the amount of skin destruction

o Secondary problems associated with burns

o Prevalence of burns in the United States

2. The role of

o OT in burns - includes treatment strategies by OT

o Other members of the rehabilitation team (must include at least four members) and their roles in the

treatment of burns

3. Impact on occupational performance

o ADLs, IADL, and other occupational impacts and explanation

o Applicable occupational therapy treatment focus of services

4. Equipment


o AE or AD

5. Outcomes, precautions, and pharmacology related to burns

Please help

My Audience is physical education classes in high school and the school board that sets the standards for these BMI challenges and weight lost tracking on the youth and the negative impact that It will have on them mentally and phsyically that can cause eating disorders and many other things.


You will write a well-written, cohesive es..say showing the contrasts between what the protagonist (Pahom) needed and what he wanted. How does the ending demonstrate the characteristics of a parable? What elements of irony are demonstrated in this short story?

Criteria for This Assignment

Length and Formatting Requirements

 Five to six pages, double spaced

 Time New Roman, 12-point font

 Works Cited page

 In-text citations

Content Requirements

 Analyze the dramatic context of the short story.

 Explore the basic elements of a short story, including plot, setting, characterization, conflict, climax, and resolution.


Common Goal

Instructions In Week 4, you created your Group Project Plan and began working on your common group goal. This week, you’ll analyze and reflect on the collaborative process.Step 1: Document your progress and the outcome of the common goal your team worked together on. This can be in the form of a picture, document, or other evidence of collaborating toward achieving the group goal. A few examples of documentation are a picture of the group collaborating, before and after pictures of goal completion, or a screenshot of group progress (calendar, list, tracking chart, etc.).Step 2: Download the Reaching a Common Goal Through Collaboration Template [DOCX].Step 3: Complete the Reaching a Common Goal Through Collaboration document. Be sure to answer each question thoughtfully and thoroughly.Step 4: Upload the completed document to the Week 6 Assignment page.What is the value of doing this assignment? This assignment gives you the opportunity to practice your relationship-building skills, and further develop your interpersonal interactions and collaboration techniques. It will show that you can collaborate with others to resolve a problem and work toward a common goalAlmost every job application lists communication as a requirement. We've all had experiences—whether on the playground, over text, or in a parent-teacher conference—where we know we could have communicated more clearly and effectively. This assignment asks you to use what you’ve learned in the course about interpersonal interaction, collaborating in small groups, and responding in the workplace to complete a common goal and reflect on the collaborative strategies or approaches used. Worried about where to start? The good news is that you’ve already established a foundation with these skills by reading Chapters 2, 5, and 20 in The Art of Public Speaking. You will use what you learned in those chapters to help you complete this assignment.Your goal for this assignment is to: Complete a common goal with a team and reflect on the collaborative strategies and approaches used.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:Complete a common goal using interpersonal interaction and balanced teamwork


Read/review the following resources for this activity:

 Textbook: Chapter 1, 15, 16

 Lesson: Week 1, 7

 Instructor supplied resources Student chosen resources (optional)

Initial Post Instructions

End-of-course student surveys exist for you to share your anonymous feedback on your courses. The purpose of the survey is to gather data from a specific population (you, the students) to understand your experience in the course, and to determine areas of success and improvement in our courses, including this one (so hopefully you do share your feedback because we always want to improve our courses and teaching).

Chapter 1 of the textbook and Week 1 of this course explored the research process. As mentioned in Week 1, research is fundamental in the social sciences, and a survey is a common sociological data collection method. If we look at the course surveys from a sociological perspective, we see that they are used to understand a specific population's perspective of a social experience/issue. For this discussion, then, you will observe and analyze and evaluate the survey itself, as the budding social scientists you all now are, based on your learning in this course!

Now, to come full circle, analyze the end-of-course surveys for their effectiveness as a sociological measurement tool.

For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2:

 Option 1:How would you improve the survey itself to create the best snapshot of student impressions of this or any Chamberlain University Online course?

 Option 2: What specific change or changes would you make in the survey, or in how it is administered, in order to increase the survey’s reliability and/or validity? Remember, as you learned in Week 1, reliability is consistency in results and validity asks the question: “Are you measuring what you intended to measure?

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least one peer. If possible, respond to one peer who chose an option different than the one you chose. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Make sure that you add additional information and not repeat the same information already posted on the discussion board as you further the dialogue.

Writing Requirements

 Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)

 APA format for in-text citations and list of references

 Minimum of 1 source cited


follow all instruction in word document 

In the reflection for Module 1, please focus on the following question:

What are the most interesting traits of US health policy and its development process that you learned? How do you link these traits to what you know about the Affordable Care Act? Why do business professionals need to understand health policy and the process required to make them?