APA format, 1 page, in-text citations, references include


 Describe one element of the DHA program that you anticipate being challenging for you and explain why you think it may be challenging.

 Describe your personal expectations for the doctoral study portion of the program. Describe what you are most concerned about and what you are most excited about.

 Describe your expectations for the upcoming residency experience and explain how you might prepare for this experience.

250 Word Discussion Post

The Week 2 Lesson has two parts, exploring types of digital information and sources and fake news and disinformation (CO3). One of the most important skills we learn as adults is information literacy and the ability to evaluate sources and recognize if these sources are accurate.

For this week’s forum, we are exploring websites that check information for bias, misinformation, and possible fake news misinformation. Go to the following websites and review the methodology they use to test information for accuracy.

 Our Process at FactCheck.org

 Methodology at Media Bias/Fact Check

 Transparency at Snopes.com

After you have looked over these websites and reviewed the methodology of each website, please answer the following:

 Which website do you find has the best way to review information for accuracy?

 Do any of these websites have any gaps in their methodology?

 Why is it important for everyone to be able to evaluate information?

To add to the complexity of plagiarism, please review the apology from Snopes about the recent scandal at Snopes.

Graphics Reflection Journal

Reflect on the role of visual design in technical writing. Why is it important that we format reports in specific ways? What role does a visual aid play in a report? Share three things you learned about design this week. 2 paragraphs minimum.

Week 2 journal

Write a two-page journal to include an introduction and conclusion as well as the title page, and a reference page on the following statement:

Discuss why project evaluators need to contemplate governmental influences as they consider project assets, capabilities, and constraints. How does this factor into a reverse logistics program?

•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.

•Length of journal: typed, double-spaced pages with no less than a two-page journal.

•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Reading Reflection 1

Search the web for a contemporary marketing or brand image for a specific food. This could be an advertisement, an image from a container, and even a short promotional video (like a commercial). Please select something you find to be interesting, thought provoking, and perhaps relevant to some key ideas in the class so far. This does NOT have to be something posted in the US or Europe. I encourage you to think globally.

Once you have your short video/commercial, please prepare an interpretation of the image with these questions in mind. You must select ONE of the learning objectives in your book on page 3 and use that objective as a framework for your interpretation. It’s important that you actually read the textbook in order to understand the full meaning of the learning objective.

For example, “Identify the cultural construction of edibility and how food conveys meaning and value.”

 POST your image or video (the actual image in a small size format is ideal OR a link to the video web site). After that, you will include your 4-5 sentence (100 words minimum) interpretation.

I have attached the picture of book below. 

NOTE: Should be in simple english

Case Study - Performance Appraisal

Please see the attached screenshots for the assignment instructions. 500 words is all that's needed. 

if anything additional is needed, please let me know

A Worn Path analysis questions

1. In the opening sentence of ""A Worn Path,"" the narrator describes Phoenix Jackson as ""an old Negro woman."" Later the hunter calls her ""Granny,"" and the nurse refers to her as ""Aunt Phoenix”. Examine the way Phoenix Jackson is referred to throughout the story. How do they contrast with the symbolic name of her actual name? What hidden message is embedded in the text? 

2. Phoenix Jackson lives in the Mississippi countryside near the old Natchez Trace. She knows the world of nature and feels at home in it. The town of Natchez, however, has Christmas lights turned on in the daytime, and the lady who ties Phoenix's shoe wears perfume that smells like ""the red roses in hot summer."" How does Welty contrast the natural wisdom of Phoenix with the artifice of the town?


Please watch Benjamin Britten’s The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, narrated by Peter Pears.


In a word document file, LIST all instruments and their families in the order that they are introduced in in the video. Ex. Violin (Strings), Saxophone (woodwinds), etc.

Find the type of clause in sentence

,Light knows when you are looking at it.A) Noun clause B) Adverb clause C) Adjective clause D) Preposition clause

Discussion 1-4

Please see the assignment instructions in the attached screenshots. I have highlighted the question for each discussion post. If anything additional is needed, please let me know