Painting Analysis & Reflection

As part of the discussion this week, you made a brief exploration of a work of art to understand its subject, meaning, and intent. In this assignment, you will explore an artwork in more depth to consider the context in which it was created. Choose any painting, and address the following:


Find the twitter account of two competing companies or corporate entities (such as Wendy's and McDonald's, or two similar sit down restaurants, or even, say, two universities like Nicholls State and Tulane). Make sure their twitter accounts tweet regularly enough to give you enough data.

Now look at both of their tweets for a select period of time. Compare and contrast and analyze. Explain which twitter account is more effective for their branding, and make an argument why. You can quote/cite specific tweets, but your overall argument should be more holistic, and should provide reasons for your claims.

If you prefer to do Instagram instead of Twitter, you may, but make sure the accounts you choose work well for this assignment/argument.


Also, we will use ""Backpacks vs. Briefcases"" for learning the importance of and the process for rhetorical analysis.

In addition to these texts, here are some other materials for learning about and practicing these important skills

Rhetorical appeals

need this assignment done asap



The textbook lists five strategies for regulating emotions: situation selection, situation modification, attentional deployment, cognitive change, and response modulation. Make sure your responses include examples from the text and/or resources to support your response. This is a college level class and requires more than just a couple of sentences to support your reaction. 

Think of a particularly emotionally challenging time in your life.

1. Did you engage in any of these emotion regulation strategies? If so, which ones did you use, and why do you think you engaged in these strategies? 

2. Is there anything that made it more or less challenging to implement a strategy? You need to clarify why you responded the way you did. In other words, simply saying, ""Yes or No,"" and not providing supportive information, will not earn you credit. 

3. In general, what might make some emotion regulation strategies more challenging to engage in than others, and what might facilitate the adoption of particular strategies?

4. Now that you’ve learned more about emotion regulation strategies, which might you try to use in your own life more frequently, and how could you help yourself to adopt productive emotion regulation habits? Make sure you include the name of the type of regulation strategy you would use, and use info you learned to describe how it would alter your habits

Premediation Activities

This Assignment covers Chapter 4 and Chapter 6

Overview: This assignment covers the activities that begin before the disputants meet face-to-face or online. Given that online video conference mediation is the new normal. The learning objectives focus mainly on the mediation agreements for both face-to-face and online mediation and the online guidelines and ground rules. This assignment focuses on two premediation activities : (1) Drafting an Agreement to Mediate and  (2) Writing an Opening Statement. Students will also use the attached document as a "" template"" or ""worksheet"" to complete this Assignment: LBS 5465 Premediation Assignment 1 (Rev 4.4.22).docx


Assignment Samples & Resources

The attached document is a ""Sample Agreement to Mediate""Agreement to Mediate (4.4.22).docx


The attached document contains several paragraphs for an "" Opening Statement"" to mediate LBS 5465 Opening Statements for Online Mediation (3.6.22).docx


Assignment & Reading Resources

(Keep in mind that the textbook does not cover online mediation; therefore, please read these resources to increase your knowledge about online mediation) :

Using E-Mediation and Online Mediation Techniques for Conflict Resolution.Links to an external site.

Preparing For Success At Virtual (Online) Mediation: Links to an external site.Read the FAQs section to gain an understanding of what virtual mediation is like- according to Lawler at Lawler ADR Services (LADR)

Mediation Agreement and Online Mediation GuidelinesLinks to an external site.


Are cell phones dangerous? outline and essay argumentative


You will persuade your audience (the class) to be interested/motivated to purchase a product based on the following criteria


NOTE: Writing Assignment 6 should be posted to the FILE EXCHANGE area within your GROUP PAGES. After peer evaluation and revision, WA6 will be submitted to the link before for my review. 

Continue working through the steps outlined under ""Projects, General"" at the end of Chapter 21. Complete the Audience and Use Profile (step j.) and the first draft of your analytical report (step k. and l.), combine the profile and draft into one file and post this file in the “File Exchange” section of your Group Page. Click this link to view a somewhat weak sample Writing Assignment 6: English_2311_Sample_WA_6-2019.rtf Click this link to find a better sample: WA6-Sample-019.rtf Technical writers rarely work in isolation, but depend on feedback and suggestions from other writers and employers. For this reason I have placed each student in a work group of 4 or 5. This will provide you with the opportunity to exchange information with at least three other writers. You will find the ""Group Pages"" link under the GROUP PAGES button on the menu of our eCampus site to be most useful. Within ""Group Pages"" you can post your assignments in File Exchange, then share ideas and comments in the “Group Discussion Board.”Simply follow the instructions on screen to use these features. It will give you some insight into possible problems. 

As a group member, your job is to read the reports of your fellow members. Read them carefully. Write at least one page of response for all other group members in which you provide specific suggestions of where you feel the report is strong, where you'd like to see more information or a different organization, and any other suggestion that might help strengthen the report. Also, if you discover that the draft does not conform to the guidelines of a report, indicate that as well. The purpose of getting group feedback on your draft is NOT to tear each other apart, but to give help to each other so that everyone does better.

This is the one assignment in this course that resembles what happens in a real business environment. Almost all reports are examined by groups for their feedback and suggestions. The more important the report, the more extensive the feedback. In addition, to make certain that the assignment WA6 and WA7 are your original work, these reports go through SafeAssign, which is originality checking software. Please be sure you have documented your work fully and correctly.

Please post your draft in the File Exchange of your GROUP PAGES according to the deadline listed in the course calendar. I will review the draft AFTER you have received peer review from your group members.


write 5 paragraphs { introduction include 3 reasons, 3 paragraphs to explain each reason, conclusion and advice or what is your suggestion } the topic is 

 What do you think are the three characteristics of a successful person?