
Which of the three major sociological approaches to understanding social problems related to work and the economy do you most prefer? Why?

 Requirements (due Wednesday before midnight):

 Be Substantive.

 Minimum of 250-words to 500-words (must have footnotes)

 Must provide scholarly or current events in text citation (textbook, other scholarly/peer-reviewed sources found in the school's library database, internet sources ending in .gov or .edu; or newspapers) – Minimum of 2 references

 Address current political climate and election

Vocabulary building

Preparing to Read

You are now going to apply what you learned about vocabulary building in the article and slideshow to your reading assignment from 300/94 for the week. First, complete the questions at the end of the ""Vocabulary"" article based on your upcoming reading assignment for 300/94. To do this, either copy and paste the following questions into a Word document or Google Doc and answer each question, or scan or take a picture of your handwritten version if you printed the article. 

 What is your current reading assignment in 300/94?

  What do you think your schema level is? (high, medium, or low) If you have not started the reading, survey it to determine your predicted schema level. How do you think your schema level will affect your understanding of the terminology used in the article?

 When you surveyed it, what did you notice about the vocabulary used in the text? Were there words you did not know? If there were, how many were there (many, some, or very few)?

Reading and Building Vocabulary

As you read your 300/94 text this week, focus on figuring out the meanings of unknown words that are important to understand in order to understand what you are reading.

 Circle unknown and important words or terms.

 Use one or a combination of strategies described in this article to define each word or term. Because looking up words in dictionaries interrupts your reading focus, try your best to understand the word or term using context clues, word parts, or grammar. Remember, you don’t necessarily need to know the exact definition of the word in order to make sense of what you are reading.

 Annotate the meaning of each unknown word or term that you circle in the margins.

Eng - news -8

Eng - news -8,"Choose a fact-based news article, in print or online.

Provide the link to the text.

Your task will be to respond to the issue /s raised in the news article: Your task, in your best persuasive style, cite the article and persuade your reader about your opinion (200-250 wds).

Answer 4 questions

Answer 4 questions in 800 words,answer 4 questions in 800 words apa format

Final Assignment

Below is the file with the instructions as well as other supported files.

First File: Instructions

Second File: Template that should be used to complete assignment

Third file: EXAMPLE of what the assignment should look like

English - 10

Choose one **** that you have drafted over the term; review, and revise, and rewrite it. In a follow-up brief analysis, explain what motivated changes that you made in the

Explain BEAUVOIR’s concept of alterity (or “otherness”)

Explain BEAUVOIR’s concept of alterity (or “otherness”) in The Second Sex and apply this concept to contemporary social issues.,B7F0690A-3AF2-40E1-B99F-73969FA0DE77.jpeg

Unit 8

literary element (setting) explain the contextual references (historical, biographical, generic, and/or national) associated with it. You do not have to discuss all four contextual references, but try to cover as many as are relevant to the subject of your presentation


1. Summarize the main argument of the article. Is it convincing? Do you have a different opinion on the subject matter?

2. Find a quote from the article that you think is insightful and explain what it means.


Throughout Composition II, you have utilized research skills, problem-solving skills, and analytic skills. The Reflective Analysis provides the student the opportunity to assess their progress and accomplishments in ENGL 1213 and consider future options for success in academic courses, career fields, and real-world applications. For this reflection, you will write a letter of application for the provided job announcement (see page 2). Method of Organization • Proper letter format for addresses, date, salutation, and closing • A self-introduction paragraph with information on the job for which you are applying (see page 2) • A skills/requirement met paragraph detailing all of the accomplishments you achieved throughout ENGL 1213. This will include the research done and the problem-solving skills used. • An explanation paragraph detailing why the above credentials fit the job posting. • A call to action.

 Reflect on all of the work written in ENGL Comp II. What did you research? How did you research? What were some of your significant achievements? • Apply all of the knowledge that you’ve gained over the course of the semester, accurately choosing what to mention in your letter for the job posting. • Apply the knowledge you’ve gained to a real-world situation. • Write a 250-500 word letter in response to the hypothetical job posting (see page 2). Requirements • Letter format—note that this is single-spaced • 250-500 words

 Dr. Pat Simons, a Ph.D. researcher at the University of Oklahoma, is searching for a new student research assistant for the Psychology Department. The requirements are a completion of Composition I and II. The new research assistant’s tasks will be to take assignments from Dr. Simons and conduct well-rounded research. This will include an examination of texts from a number of scholarly sources as well as applying knowledge learned from said sources to new experiments and research. Students will write a 1-page cover letter (250-500 words) in response to Dr. Simons’ search for a new research assistant. Explain how your experiences in Composition I and II helped give you the ability to complete the requirements of the job. Use specific examples from work done in the past (topics, thesis statements, problem-solving skills, etc.) How did this particular work help prepare you for this type of work? How do these works not just apply to academia, but to the workforce as well? Criteria for Success Category Description Points Mechanics Students will communicate using academic language and conventions of Standard American English. 5 Formatting Students will format a work utilizing MLA style formatting. 5 Organization Students will present information in a unified and coherent manner. 5 Content and Analysis Student.

Use the information above and answer the questions below in 500 words I need it in 8 hours in MLA format.

 Post your final draft of the Letter of Application to this area. This copy of the Letter of Application will be graded. For detailed grading criteria, see the Letter of Application Rubric located in Lesson 1.